Friday, July 27, 2012

VBS Week!

Hey everybody, VBS week is so important to us every year.  One of the reasons is that a dear cousin comes from SC to enjoy the week with us.  I thought that I would blog about our week even though it was a little while ago.

One of the big highlights of the week was playing in the sprinkler together.  One of Sophie's (our cousin) and Kate's favorite things to do was walk in the puddles on the side of the street.  :)

We also did face paint!

We also went to the movies!

We had a blast at VBS in the evening!

                                       Our theme this year was Sonrise National Park!

We had a fabulous week with you.  I can't wait to see you again soon!
Thanks for coming again this year!  Love you!

Bloggers, I hope to check back with you again soon!