You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. ~Paul Sweeney
So true. An interesting thing that I have discovered about myself this year is that I like non-fiction books a tad bit better than fiction books. Tonight I finished a great non-fiction book and savored every page within. It is called: from Blah to Awe: shaking up a boring faith by Jenna Lucado Bishop. You can find it on Amazon {here.}
One of my favorite chapters of this entire book was probably the last one which has a retelling of the Bible story: the woman at the well. Jenna retells the story using a waitress named Mary-Margaret who resides in No Water Texas and has had a rough life. Mary-Margaret has been going with the wrong people, thinking that each one will be different then the last. But everyone of her relationships has just not turned out right. One day, a man named Josh walks into the restaurant that Mary-Margaret is currently working in. He says that he would like a cup of water because he is thirsty from his tiring travels. He says that he likes the water because it quenches his thirst. He says what he doesn't like about the water is that he soon will have to stop again and get more water because it only quenches your thirst temporarily. Then he proceeded to tell Mary-Margaret that she is drinking from the wrong well. He then gave her his business card which read:
Living Water Corp.
Joshua, Founder and CEO
I loved Jenna's retelling of the woman at the well and it made the characters come alive! That is why this is one of my favorite chapters in this book.
This book answers the question why am I bored with God with several different answers. Here are some of them:
. We are bored with God because we don't see the brokenness in our own hearts; therefore we do not see the need for Jesus.
. We are bored with God because we live in a world that is all about our physical senses, blinding us to the world beyond what we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.
.We are bored with God because we tend to worship a God we have created with our finite minds. When we worship a limited god, our faith is limited.
. We are bored with God because it is more accepted by the world, and at times we feel a deeper need to be accepted by the world than by God.
There are many more answers to this question and to go along with them there are ways to prevent boredom with God. Also there are answers to the question: Does God care if I am bored with Him? But to find out the rest of the answers to those questions you are going to have to read the book! :)
Also when reading this book, Jenna reminded me (and I would like to remind you) the following:
The goal of this book is
not to provide a perfect vibrant faith. It is
not going to give you a fix-it-all formula for a faith filled with awe 24/7. But the goal of this book
is to shake you up. It
is to remind you to quit settling for a faith that is dull, boring, blah. And hopefully it will shake you up as it did me.
I hope you all have a great weekend! Happy reading!