Friday, April 20, 2012

MOOsic to My Ears!

I am going to post a birthday blog soon but in the mean time I thought I should post something since it's been a while!

This post is going to be about music.

Music to Me
by Megan

Music to me is like tulips to roses
Music to me is like polish on your toes (es)
Music to me is like lightening to thunder
Music to me is like flip-flops to summer
Music to me is like ocean and sand
Music to me is like saying I can!
The best part of music is being able to express myself
That's what music is to ME!

Here are some pictures that I think say MUSIC!

When looking at pics be sure to listen to the Entertainer.

Oh Yeah!  Toy Story definitely get's credit for putting music in their movies.  One word..... Squeaky! :)

Have a great weekend!  Check back soon!



  1. Awesome and inpiring post! Lovely poem too. Did you write it?

  2. Yes, I wrote it. Thanks for the encouraging comment. TTYS!

  3. Such a cute post!! I'm like Willa; this is so cool!!


  4. Megs!
    What a wonderful poem! I loved it! Especially the "toes (es)" part! Wonderful! You dear girl are music to me!!
