Friday, November 9, 2012

Random Photos (just because)

I must say it is very hard to find time to post so when I can I like to make it short and sweet.  I am hoping to be able to post weekly again soon but life is so busy.  So until I can post weekly, I will post when I can.  For now.... here are some random pictures that I will put captions on.  These are throwbacks for me.

Playing on "da tuwf" at Barnes and Noble.

At Barefoot Landing? (Years ago)

My eleventh birthday!  The year I got my camera AND got my ears pierced.  The picture below is from this day too.

Sleepover food for 11th b-day party!

Made catch-alls for our crafts. You hang your jewelry on them.

Silly pics with Andrea!

Wiffle ball in the summer.

Christmas decorating with Grandma.

Here I am hanging bulbs off a chandelier at G-ma's house.

12th B-day (Me and my uke)

Youthanasia 2012

Me and Kate "Olympics"

Ahhh... I love throwbacks.  I have made sooooo many memories and I love looking back on them.

With Love,


  1. I love it! One of my favorite things to do is look back at pics, remember all the fun and anticipate more!

  2. I cannot believe you put that pic of you and me! :0 Whatever, at least you look as awful as I do. ;)

    Love this post. (random side note, but I noticed that in just a year, your front teeth have grown together. :))

    You are nothing but beauty, Meg.

    Love you,
    Andrea xoxo
